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जानेर वा नजानी नै पानीफोटोको यो पुरानो घरमा आइपुग्नु भएकोमा तपाईलाई धन्यवाद । पानीफोटो अहिले नयाँ स्थानमा सरेको छ । यसैले यहाँ लिंकहरु नखुल्ने वा अरु समस्याहरु हुन सक्छन् । यसमा भएका सबै सेवा सहित थप सेवाहरु छन् पानीफोटोमा । यसैले www.paniphoto.com मा आउँनुहोला ।

Adult Stem Cell Research

Summary:   Stem cell research in general can save the lives of many people. Adult stem cell research in particular should be pursued because it can save lives without posing the ethical problems that embryonic stem cell research does.

Stem cell research has been one of the most popular topics in and out of the parliament building. In regards to the use of stem cell research, I am for if it is the use of adult stem cell. I am approving adult stem cell research because it does not have as many ethic problems as embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells could save the lives of many people.
Adult stem cell research is fine but embryonic stem cell research is not. Embryonic stem cell research uses stem cells from a blastcyst, which is the group of cells that will eventually grow into a living human. The soul of a human being comes into existence the moment the sperm goes into the egg. In this view, embryonic stem cell research is murder because it is the killing deliberately. Embryonic stem cell research is in a way playing God. There might be bad scientists who would uses the embryo for research even though there are mothers willing to carry the embryo. According to Popular Science, stem cells are in high amounts in baby teeth compared to the amount in other organs. Therefore, it can be seen that embryonic stem cell research is actually not very ethical and might disrupt the human society.

Stem cell research in general can save the lives of many people. Stem cells can reproduce and then specialize into almost every type of cell possible. There was an incidence when a woman got leukemia. She was saved by the stem cells found in the blood of the umbilical cord of her baby. This is just one example of how stem cell research can help save lives of people. Stem cell research can help people grow back damaged tissues in their organs. Therefore, it can be seen that stem cell research is a better and more natural way of treating diseases and thus prolongs life if used prudently.Adult stem cell research because it does not have as many ethic problems as embryonic stem cells and adult stem cell research has the potential save the lives of many people. I believe that adult stem cell research is harmless and good but embryonic stem cell research is not as great. In the future, let us hope that adult stem cell research would help make society better for everyone to live in.


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