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Careers in the Field of Geography

From deep within the ocean, to the top of the highest mountain, jobs within the field of geography can be found anywhere. In deep, dark jungles, on the desert plains, even to your front yard, a job can be found. The three jobs that will be discussed are marine biologist, biological tech, and landscaping architect.
Marine Biologist
Marine biologists have a very fun and exciting career, studying salt-water animals, and how they interact with the environment. Many marine biologists work as research scientists. To become a marine biologist, you must be able to work individually or as a team. Strong research skills are needed, as well as excellent oral and writing skills. Creativity, curiosity, and self-motivation will aid in marine biology. Being in good physical shape is will help, as many jobs are in the field. In high school, courses in Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Calculus, and Latin are essential. Education in Geography is also very important. After high school, a graduate degree from university in marine biology will be needed. Some universities don't provide a course in marine biology, so a graduate degree in biology or zoology would be best. Earnings can range anywhere from $20,000 to $80,000 per year, with an average of $45,000 per year. Starting out as a graduate student, you would make $15,000 a year. Working conditions can range from working in an aquarium to living on board a ship. Jobs in laboratories are also available, working 9 - 10 hour days, 40 - 50 hours a week. Knowledge of the use of electron microscopes and computers would then be needed. If being employed on a ship, then you will have to be in close quarters with your co-workers for many months, without seeing your family. While working on the ship, you may be needed to scuba dive and collect research. Geography is used in this job because marine biologists would need to use latitude and longitude to find the exact spot for their experiments.
Biological Tech
Biological techs do laboratory work and field work in a number of areas. They can be working with medical research, natural resources, food additives, cosmetics, crime investigation, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnology. In high school, you should take Geography, English, Algebra, Geometry, Calculus, Biology, Chemistry, Earth & Environmental Science, Physics, Social Studies and Computers. In university, you must complete a one- to two-year program in biology, microbiology, agriculture, wildlife, resource management or a related field. Biological technologists must complete a two- to three-year program in the same areas. You must be detail-oriented and analytical, with strong written and verbal communication skills. This job requires the ability to present the results of your work in an organized manner. While working as a biological tech, the earnings can vary. Starting out, you can make $20,000 a year, but as you become experienced, you can make $50,000 a year. Working as a biological tech, you can expect to work in a laboratory. Some techs can work in the field, but must be physically fit. Work weeks are usually 40 - 50 hours, ranging form 7 - 9 hours a week. While working on the job, the duties can vary. If you are working for a private investigator, you might be needed to identify and compare materials such as body fluids and hair. Working for a major company, you might have to discover a way to make a product last on the shelves longer. Geography can be applied to the job in that you may have to measure the quality of soil or water.

Landscape Architect
You may look at a lawn and see grass that needs to be cut; landscape architects get to express their creativity in creating art out of this same lawn. They get to work in all aspects of outdoor work, from a simple apartment, to an entire community. To work in this job, you must physically fit for hard labour, have developed artistic and scientific skills. Using a computer is important because much of the drafting for a project is done on them. People skills are necessary because you will be interacting with people a lot of the time. Recommended high school subjects that should be taken are English, Geometry and Algebra, Visual Arts, Geography, and Drafting. A 4 year course, called the BLA (bachelor's degrees in landscape architecture) is required. For this course, high marks in arts and sciences are mandatory. A portfolio of design work, drawings, drafting, and writing are needed. As a full time landscaping architect, you can make 30,000 a year if you are just starting, but after years of work, you can eventually be making $60,000 or more a year. Landscaping architects spend most of their time in offices, designing plans and making models. The rest of their time, they are on the site, supervising or collecting site information. Geography is used on the job because knowledge of what soils and plants they will be using on each job site is crucial.


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