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Artificial Reproduction

Summary:   A description of three types of artificial reproduction -- artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, and surrogate motherhood --and the processes included in each, along with the issues surrounding these practices.

Artificial reproduction is the creating of life without sexual intercourse. There are several forms of artificial reproduction. Three of them are artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, and surrogate motherhood.
Artificial insemination is the transplanting of a man's sperm into the woman's womb. It is used when the husband's sperm count is low, when the husband cannot produce any sperm, when the husband is carrying a genetic disease, or when the woman is not in a heterosexual relationship. The sperm can come from the father or from a sperm bank. The sperm from the sperm bank introduces another person into the situation. Some legal problems arise when biological fathers get involved.In vitro fertilization is a process in which ova is removed from the females body, fertilized by the male's sperm, and then placed back inside the female's body. In two decades since the first "test tube" baby was successfully born, in vitro fertilization has become a sort of "last chance" for infertile couples to have a child with their same genetic material. This means that the parents would be the child's biological parents. (unlike if a couple were to adopt a baby.) However, this process is very expensive. A couple could ay around $7,500 per attempt regardless of the outcome. Since 1997 A.R.T clinics have offered money back guarantees where a couple pays $15,000 for three attempts and if no live birth occurs, there will be a full refund of the money. There are risks involved with the process . Multiple conception could occur, resulting in twins, triplets, and so on. There is also a risk for the female of hyper stimulation and other long-term health risks. The process is not 100%, but has become more and more popular and efficient over the years.

Surrogate motherhood is another way for reproduction to occur. It is mostly requested between couples who cannot have children of their own, because the mother has no uterus or is unable for some other reason to have children. There are a few variations of surrogate motherhood. The first type of surrogate motherhood happens when a couple requests an ovum from a woman or the "biological mother." It is fertilized by the husband and the woman has the baby but gives custody to the couple. A second case involves ovaries being given to the barren woman. In this case the donor is technically related but the birth is from the surrogate mother. A third case happens when an egg is taken from the genetic mother and put into the surrogate mother. Fertilization then happens in the surrogate mother. Even though ovulation happens in the genetic mother, the surrogate mother gives birth to the child. A fourth type involves a fetal transplant. The genetic mother's ovum is naturally fertilized. The fetus is then transplanted to the surrogate mother. The surrogate mother has the baby and the child is genetically identical to it's genetic mother. Surrogate motherhood, if not misused, helps women and men to reproduce if they are not capable of reproducing naturally on their own.
The outcomes of artificial reproduction in humans is very obvious. A baby is formed. Artificial reproduction is very beneficial to those couples who are unable to reproduce naturally because of physical conditions. Drawbacks to artificial reproduction include high costs and low success rates. Many conflicts also arise with the emotional and legal issues that come out of artificial reproduction. The success rate with artificial reproduction is not very high, but with new research, it will hopefully get better.
Scriptural principles do conflict with artificial reproduction in some cases. During the discovery of several types of artificial reproduction, the process did not work. This is literally abortion. The application also violates Scriptural principles. Artificial reproduction allows homosexuals to have children. Homosexuality is condemned in the Bible Some Christians believe that artificial insemination through sperm banks as well as surrogate motherhood are both forms of adultery. In in vitro fertilization, the fertilized eggs that are not used are discarded. This is abortion since a baby becomes a living being at conception. The way that artificial reproduction is being used right now might eventually lead to disease and other problems in the future.
In the future, the knowledge and uses of artificial reproduction will only grow. This study will help us gain information on how babies are formed. Since it is already being preformed, the same Scriptural principles are violated. Some Christians object all together to artificial reproduction, while some only object to certain parts. It is a touchy subject that will always raise conflict. New discovery in this area could allow people to reproduce easily when God did not allow them to reproduce for a reason. Scientists and doctors might also perfect artificial reproduction to the point that they could try to make a "super human" race.
To prevent abuse and unacceptable application of this knowledge, the amount of artificial reproduction should be limited. The emotions of the surrogate mother should be cared for. Artificial reproduction should be viewed as a tool from God. It can be used, but not abused.


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