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Charles Darwin's Theories and Their Effects

Summary:   The ways in which Charles Darwin's theory changed humankind included its effect on religion and the extension of his theories of evolution into other realms, such as social Darwinism.

Darwin's theory caused many changes in the world. His theory was published on his book "On the origin of species" in 1859. His theory caused many controversies among scientists and the church. From Darwin's ideas, many thinkers based their own ideas creating social Darwinism. His theory caused hundreds of new discoveries, and it is still not completely proved today. Darwin's idea caused great controversy, even today, changing the way people think of religion and prehistory.
Darwin's theory was first published in 1859. His theory was mainly developed after he made many observations of birds at different islands in the Galapagos Islands. In his observation he saw many different animal species looked as if they were closely related, but noticed they were adapted to its surroundings, such as birds with big and strong beaks on islands with abundant trees which had seeds covered by hard shells. He reasoned animals more adapted to their surroundings had been naturally selected, as in they had been able to survive in their habitat as opposed to animals who were not adapted which obviously died from factors such as hunger or temperatures. This logical and interesting observation was published on his book On the Origin of Species.

Darwin's theory's biggest rivals were the Christians. Initially, his idea opposed the bible's account of creation. Moreover, his theory stated that all species had been created from simpler and naturally selected species. Many people argued his theory reduced people to the level of humans and undermined belief in God and the soul. Many Christians, though, have accepted Darwin's theory and think of it as God's true and complex creation of the world and the human race. To this day there are still many controversies about it, and they will keep happening until it is completely proved.Darwin's theory let thinkers come up with many ideas. Though some thinkers found good uses on his ideas, most others used them to encouraged racism. They explained how wars were not as bad after all since they weeded out weak nations leaving only stronger ones1. Some others claimed the success of the western civilization was due to the power and superiority of the white race1. Though Darwin never endorsed any of these social ideas, they led to more controversy on his theory.
Out of all the uproars and disputes his theory brought, it led to many new discoveries and inspired scientists who went out to discover more about the Human race's past, even though until now his theory is yet to be proved. The digging of ancient fossils became well known events at that time and it made Darwin's theory seem to be more believable. A great part of the fossils of ancient humans discovered in those times are what the modern archeology of pre-historic times is based on. But from all these fossils discovered there are some missing links between ancient human species which are what still make Darwin's theory a controversy.
The world changes caused by Darwin changed the way of thinking of many. Even though his theories were published more than 140 years ago, many still debate over them. From the great disagreements also came great discoveries with new more advanced and more knowledgeable thinkers.


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