जानकारीका लागि !!

जानेर वा नजानी नै पानीफोटोको यो पुरानो घरमा आइपुग्नु भएकोमा तपाईलाई धन्यवाद । पानीफोटो अहिले नयाँ स्थानमा सरेको छ । यसैले यहाँ लिंकहरु नखुल्ने वा अरु समस्याहरु हुन सक्छन् । यसमा भएका सबै सेवा सहित थप सेवाहरु छन् पानीफोटोमा । यसैले www.paniphoto.com मा आउँनुहोला ।

Current Contamination Problems in California Drinking Water

In California for the past five years there has been a major problem with the drinking water being contaminated. The reason for its contamination is the primary component used to make rocket fuel, for planes and fighter jets. This substance has been found in over three hundred of California's drinking water sources in 12 counties. To fix this problem, the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment has set a goal. Their goal is to simply require that there only be 1 part per billion feet shall there be per chlorate contained in water. This substance is a purifying one that they will drop in the Colorado River, as well as many other big waterways in California.

This Coalition involves the U.S. Protection Agency, the State of Massachusetts, and the National Academy of Sciences. They have all come together to form what is called the Clean Water Action. Since these organizations have been dealing with problems like this for years, they have decided to link up to possibly end all pollution done to the water that we as human beings drink. This organization has also asked us, the community, to conduct a letter to the Board of Supervisors to better highlight the problem so that this action can be done.
Due to the water pollution, the Board of Supervisors is considering changes to the San Mateo County Local Coastal Program. This specific program will allow there to be more pavement along the coast for business development, destroying our already contaminated resources as well as our marine life.


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