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जानेर वा नजानी नै पानीफोटोको यो पुरानो घरमा आइपुग्नु भएकोमा तपाईलाई धन्यवाद । पानीफोटो अहिले नयाँ स्थानमा सरेको छ । यसैले यहाँ लिंकहरु नखुल्ने वा अरु समस्याहरु हुन सक्छन् । यसमा भएका सबै सेवा सहित थप सेवाहरु छन् पानीफोटोमा । यसैले www.paniphoto.com मा आउँनुहोला ।

Destruction of the Amazon Rainforest

Did you know that rainforests once covered 14% of the Earth's surface, but now cover a mere 6%? Rainforests across the world are being destroyed at an alarming rate, but it is the Amazon Rainforest that is suffering the most. The Amazon Rainforest covers more than a billion acres, encompassing areas in Brazil, Venezuela, Columbia and the Eastern Andean region of Ecuador and Peru. Every second 1.5 acres of the Amazon are destroyed (rain-tree). We need to stop the destruction of the Amazon rainforest immediately.
The Amazon Rainforest is an important factor in the well-being of humanity. According to the website www.rain-tree.com, "At least 80% of the developed world's diet originated in the Amazon Rainforest. Its bountiful gifts to the world include fruits like avocados, coconuts, figs, oranges, lemons, grapefruit, etc." The Amazon Rainforest produces more than 20% of the world's oxygen. It also provides us with many valuable medications such as quinine, muscle relaxants, steroids, and cancer fighting drugs (rain-tree).

The Amazon Rainforest is being destroyed strictly for economic reasons. It is being cleared for commercial timber and being converted into cattle pastures (rain-tree). According to the website www.rain-tree.com, "Experts estimate that at the current rate of destruction, the last remaining rainforests could be consumed in less than 40 years."
The solution to this major problem is simple. Instead of clearing forests and converting them into cattle pastures and farming operations, native resources should be harvested. According to www.ran.org, "One hectare [which is approximately 2.5 acres] of the Amazon Rainforest will yield $148.00 per year if it is used for a cattle pasture. If it is clear-cut for timber, then it will yield $1000.00. However, if the intact forest is sustainably harvested for medicinal plants, fruits, latex, and timber, then it will yield $6820.00 per year." Harvesting the rainforest will not only stop destruction, but is also more profitable than the uses that are currently taking place (rain-tree).
As a consumer doing simple things such as reducing your paper, wood, oil, and beef consumption can help stop the destruction of the Amazon. Another way to help is to invest in rainforest communities. Protect-an-Acre is one of these. According to the website www.ran.org, "Protect-an-Acre provides funding to help forest peoples gain legal recognition of their territories . . . and resist destructive practices such as logging and fossil fuel development."
It is understood that there is always a counter-argument to a proposal. One might say that it takes too much effort to harvest sustainable resources. Truthfully, using the rainforest for commercial timber and cattle pastures is an easier and quicker way to make a profit. However, if the Amazon continues to be unwisely consumed soon there will be no more rainforest to waste. Tell me, would you rather have a short period of time to gain profit easily and quickly, or work slightly harder for more profit that comes year after year?
The rate of the destruction of the Amazon Rainforest has increased over the last five years (ran). The destruction of the rainforest needs to end. Raising awareness of this problem is simply not enough. As a consumer you have the power to help and it can be put to good use. We need to support the conservation of the Amazon Rainforest and stop this tide of destruction.


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