जानकारीका लागि !!

जानेर वा नजानी नै पानीफोटोको यो पुरानो घरमा आइपुग्नु भएकोमा तपाईलाई धन्यवाद । पानीफोटो अहिले नयाँ स्थानमा सरेको छ । यसैले यहाँ लिंकहरु नखुल्ने वा अरु समस्याहरु हुन सक्छन् । यसमा भएका सबै सेवा सहित थप सेवाहरु छन् पानीफोटोमा । यसैले www.paniphoto.com मा आउँनुहोला ।

Kyoto Protocol

Although many may disagree with me I am most definitely against the Kyoto Protocol. The Kyoto Protocol is an international treaty designed to limit global greenhouse emergens. Once I was introduced to the treaty I was all for it, but once I found out what all this ment I changed my mind.
On land weather stations are based to measure global air temperature. Over the past century the global air temperature has only increased by 0.45% Celsius, which is no more then the normal difference. Also you may want to consider that there are many different possibilities for some of the increase in the global air temperature. Scientists still are not quite sure if there even is global warming. If so we still do not know if this is all due to humans or if it's natural.

There are many more problems with the Kyoto Protocol. The protocol only includes developed countries. This issue presents a problem. If the protocol excludes developing countries companies that produce gas will have to move their companies out of the developed countries and into developing ones. This means that gas that is let out into the atmosphere wont go away it will just move; and this means developing countries will produce more pollution.
The Kyoto Protocol will affect the economy badly. People in the developed countries will have to move their job or company to another, undeveloped country, or loose it entirely. The only problems with moving there job to another country is that many developing countries have low wages or have different labor laws.
The goal of the protocol's emissions level is almost impossible to be reached in the short five year time span the protocol expects. It is also possible that many countries included in the Kyoto Protocol may have to change their lifestyle or living standards to meet the needs necessary to fulfill the protocol's expectations.
Even if some how we did reach the unrealistic target stated in the protocol the economy would suffer greatly and the negative effects would outweigh the positive effects. The Kyoto Protocol may even change the whole idea of driving. The gasoline and automobile industries will be greatly affected.

Some of the countries left out of the protocol produce the most greenhouse gas emergens, or pollution. How will excluding these countries help the idea of the Kyoto Protocol? I believe the protocol will be much more effective than productive.


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