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Bad Science

Bad Science
Misinterpretation for the Test Results
I believe that if the defendant did come to the tavern earlier and had a glass of beer, that doesn't mean that he robbed the tavern. Anybody can come to the tavern and have a glass of beer that does not show all of them were the suspects. I suggest that the prosecutor should look for some other kinds of evidence prove that the defendant had used for robbery such as weapons.

Manipulation of Raw Data
I think that you cannot change the facts whatever you want to. You have to use the realistic evidences that were happened and enter the real data into the computer. I suggest the attorney to give the experts the data before they just make up any numbers.
I think this is hilarious; "10mm bullet would not make much difference than a 9mm bullet." I think they should start use the 10mm bullet, because this type of weapons would do much damage than the 9mm.
Comparing Apples and Orangutans
Gun always danger in certain way. The incident would happen anyway if you use either one of them. Plaintiff attorney sues the wrong guy.
Manipulation of Test Results
I think that the prosecutor does not know what he is doing. I think he should forget about the first case and focus on this one.
Compulsive Computing
I think that examiner should be more careful with his computation. You cannot take down all the factors might cause to slow the bullet down. There are a lot of natural factors that just happened, but you cannot ignore it in the computation. I think he should go back and do the computation again without take down the several pieces down.
I think it is wrong for not given polygraph to the suspect. He could be innocent if the officer was lying the whole time. I think prosecutor should take a look at this, and tell the detector to reinvestigate the situation again.
Ethical Bankruptcy
Obviously, the guy was lying. There is no way for a malfunctioning gun was store at home and fire by itself. I think the investigator should take a look at this and find another expert about the rifle that the husband used.
No Scientific Methodology
I think that the acceleration by a motorcycle in a short distance would be much different from a truck's acceleration, because the masses of the truck and motorcycle are much different. I think the investigator should use the same kind of truck to perform the test.
Too many Cooks Spoil The Broth
I think that it is the bus driver's fault by killed the teenagers. His bus was being too close to the car. I think that the bus driver was speeding and follow too close to the vehicle in front of him.
Pursuit of The Inconsequential
The prosecutor performed the test on the wrong time. I think they should find a time that match the night of shooting happened.
Ethics Debate
In the article forensic scientist and criminal profiler Brent and Turvey provokes an in depth discussion and debate on keeping the findings of a case unavailable to defense attorneys in the state of Arkansas. Further investigation by other interested scientists proved that this policy of not disclosing forensics information to defense attorney's was only valid in Arkansas, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. The fact that this policy is only favored in three states shows how unethical the policy is in the relation to the full pursuit of justice. In my own opinion, not disclosing vital information to both sides of the case leads to an unequal balance on the scales of justice. Not only does this policy put the client order prosecution at disadvantage, but also the defense attorneys are not able to fully perform their duty and defend their client. By attaining this valuable information at disadvantage because they are discovered by the state's forensic lab, the defense can help an innocent person escape prosecution. It is far better for a hundred guilty people to go free than for one innocent person to be put in jail.
Baltimore County Reviews Cases tied to Chemist
I believe that what concepcion Basconet did was wrong and unethical. People were put in jail partly because she did not know what she was doing. The other scenario is that she knew what was doing, but she testified against people for some sort of reward from the prosecutor. Either way, what Basconet did was unethical. I think that Basconet should be punished. If she worked in a number of cases that had faulty data, then she should put in jail because others were wrongfully put in jail because of her. When the cases Basconet worked in are reevaluated by the Innocence project, those affected by the faulty chemist should be compensated for. Meaning it people were convicted and put in jail because of her work they should be freed and give money for their unjust time spent in jail.


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