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Creationism Vs. Evolutionism

Summary:   Explores differences between creationism and evolutionism. Describes each theory and draws a conclusion as to which is correct.

The scientific explanation of the creation of the universe is better known as the "Big Bang." It is to my understanding that the "Big Bang" theory states that billions of years ago there was nothing. A small, but very intensely hot ball of pure energy then exploded, and gave way to radiation and matter. Gravity then pulled the matter outward, and thus was the beginning of the universe.
The "Big Bang" explanation is the atheistic view of the creation of the universe. The major difference between the scientific and the biblical versions is the belief that there is a Creator and that the creation was not an accident, but rather a carefully planned design. Scientists will never rationalize presence of God's existence and that He was the Creator of the universe.
The idea that our existence and the formation of our universe was purely an accident is difficult for most people to grasp. This explanation requires more faith than it does to believe that God is responsible for these origins. The perfect construction of the universe (in which life thrives) is almost a contradiction to this belief. It is hard to comprehend that we came from a vast emptiness and that we are merely an incident of luck.There will never be a complete reconciliation between the "Big Bang" theory and the bible's explanation, although there might be a few aspects that could possibly be agreed upon one day. Simon Peter, apostle of Jesus Christ, states clearly, "But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day" (2 Peter 3:8, Life Application Bible, New King James Version) To me this means that there is a possibility that one of God's days was a thousand years, so therefore the earth might be really old, just as the scientific explanation says. This could mean a possible agreement on the time frames, but I still believe that there will never be a complete reconciliation between the two.
It is my personal convictions that lead me to believe that God is the creator of the universe. I firmly stand by my choice and am proud to say that I am not an accident and that I have a purpose to fulfill in this lifetime. Hank Hanegraaff of the Christian Research Institute best relates the evidence against evolutionism with five solid statements. First, the scientific community is now almost unanimous in affirming that the universe had a beginning. Secondly, the universe bears all the marks of having been "finely tuned" to make life possible. Thirdly, the evidence is mounting that life on earth simply could not and did not come into existence through natural processes in a primordial "soup." Fourthly, the genetic code of all biological life on earth contains evidence of intelligent design. Fifthly, the fossil record continues to be an embarrassment to the Darwinian theory of evolution. (Hanegraaf, H. Evidence for Creation". Retrieved January 6, 2005, from Christian Research Institute Web site: http://www.equip.org/free/CP0103.htm) My biggest problem with evolutionism is the question of intellect. How could it be possible for the human species to evolve from a microscopic organism in to a thinking, speaking, free-willed being who has the capacity to learn, love, and know right from wrong? Scientists will always search for the answers that they can never fully prove. There is one thing I know without a doubt; that we will never know the truth to any of the answers in this lifetime.


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