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Hurricane Mitch

Natural Disasters usually come with little warning; leaving many unprepared and stunned in their path. Such an occurrence started on the morning of October 20, 1998 when satellites revealed an unorganized cluster of thunderstorms caused by a weak tropical wave developing over the southern Caribbean and northern Venezuela. 36 Hours later, tropical storm Mitch was about to evolve into one of the strongest hurricanes of the 20th century.

According to the text, Hurricane Mitch was able to occur for two main reasons. First was the overwhelming supply of water vapor, due to a very warm ocean surface. This water vapor is considered a high octane fuel for hurricanes enabling them to grow. The second reason was an existing disturbance on the ocean surface that allowed the hurricane to receive more energy by harnessing the power of the sun. By using these resources, and naturally occurring prevailing winds, Mitch was able to gain power.

Hurricane Mitch's path was one of terror. At the beginning it meandered along the coast of Honduras in a westerly direction while it and its feeder thunderstorms dumped torrential rains on the towns and villages. Some reported wave heights of 40 to 50 feet tall. Unexpectedly Mitch then turned on to shore where it drifted through the mountains of Nicaragua and Honduras, dumping as much as 50"to 75" of rain. According to the chart, after an astonishing 33 hours as a category five, Hurricane Mitch finally abated.
The economic impact on Honduras and Nicaragua was insurmountable. Their fragile economies were swept away, which eliminated jobs in agriculture. Agriculture represents 60% of the Gross Domestic Product. Mitch destroyed the banana crop but because coffee is grown high on the hills it was relatively unharmed. Because of the vast amount of water mudslides occurred on the loose soil, destroying trees that would leave the job market devastated. The preliminary cost of the storm was initially set at a staggering $1.36 billion or 60% of the G.D.P.
Compared to other Hurricanes, Mitch is in the top of its class. It is the second deadliest hurricane, with a death toll of 9,000. It is topped only by "The Great Hurricane" of 1780 with a death toll of 22,000. Its wind speed was sustained at 180 Mph for 15 straight hours. Hurricane Mitch's pressure was a low 26.73." Mitch also claims the title for the longest duration of a Category five hurricane.

Hurricane Mitch is considered the worst natural disaster in the history of Honduras and Nicaragua. It left an economy devastated and lives at a standstill. Hurricane Mitch is said to have "wiped out 50 years of progress in four days." Its scars will be visible for many years to come.


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